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Marriage Seminar Resources

Thank you for attending our 2024 Marriage Seminar. Our marriage ministry team has put together some practicle exercises and resources related to the seminar for you and your spouse to utilize.


  • Prayer exercise: Pick one verse in scripture that you want to commit to praying to God for your marriage every day for 30 days.  Pray it on your own daily. Pray it together daily. Pick the best time of the day and work to be consistent.  Rotate who prays each time. One suggested verse from the marriage seminar is Genesis 2:24 .  Ask for God’s help and strength to act upon this verse. 
  • Weekly rhythm of sermon discussion:  Each week on Sunday at a time you determine is best for both of you answer 2-3 questions together. After one or both of you then pray and ask for God’s help to carry this out and support one another.  
    1. What point or question in the sermon did God use to speak to you personally? 
    2. What would it look like to “passionately respond to God” about this? 
    3. What can I do to encourage and support you in your passionately responding to God? 

Reccomended Resources

  • New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul Tripp. Get this book and start whenever you receive it and keep going right into the new year. 
  • Desiring God Podcast: Pastor John Piper’s ten minute response on the Question: “Can We Leave and Cleave If We Live With My Parents?”
  • One Fesh Sermon Series In our seminar we said If you are doing a good job of biblically “leaving father and mother” and “clinging to” or “holding fast to one another”, then it will lead to a more effective and joyful experience of “becoming one flesh”.  All three parts of the marriage covenant are important, sequential, and compounding.  You can find a two part One Flesh series here from Pastors Joel Wayne and Jim Jeffrey